How to Select HIPAA Certification and Training Course?
Courses are mainly decided based on your responsibilities and involvement in HIPAA compliance. Job titles that are given are just an indication and are not limited to the list provided. An office manager of small practice may be wearing different hats, so they may not have the title of HIPAA Privacy Officer but performs those duties also with being an office manager. Let us help you to guide you. The flow chart image will help you to decide on which credentials training is ideal for you based on your responsibilities.
Step 1: Select HIPAA Certification Credential

Step 2: Select Training for HIPAA Certification
Now you have decided which HIPAA certification you want to pursue, the next step is to decide which learning method suits your need the best. We offer four different learning methods to get certified:
- Instructor-Led Classroom
- Instructor-Led Online Live
- Online eLearning
- Onsite Training
Click on the one the following certification that you want to pursue, and you can get more details on different learning options.